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Nous aimerions avoir vos avis et encouragements concernant nos formations en ligne :
Hijama / Cupping-Thérapie / Ventouses
SuJok Thérapie ✅ Diagnostic MTC
✅ Phytothérapie & Aromathérapie

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{{fields.comments.limit - fields.comments.text.length >= 0 ? fields.comments.limit - fields.comments.text.length : 0}}

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{{ && ? (fields.position && fields.position.on && fields.position.text ? fields.position.text + ", " + : ) : (fields.position && fields.position.on && fields.position.text ? fields.position.text : '' )}}

{{fields.location && fields.location.text ? fields.location.text : ''}}

{{fields.comments && fields.comments.text ? '"' + fields.comments.text + '"' : ''}}

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